Hebei Linkland Technology Co.,ltd.


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An excellent gabion solution - linkland Gabion baskets

Pulished on Nov. 20, 2023

To address soil erosion and retain/contain soil particles, we recommend Gabion baskets. Gabion baskets are stone-filled metal cages, containers or baskets whose primary purpose is to prevent soil erosion. In river beds and streams, Gabion baskets are often used with geotextiles to slow down water flow and capture sediment.

Here are the key points to consider for a good Gabion basket plan:

Soil protection: As a solution for soil protection and erosion prevention, Gabion baskets can effectively prevent soil from being washed away by water and maintain soil stability.

Filling material: Use strong and durable stones as the filling material for Gabion baskets. The size and shape of the stones should be selected according to the specific application scenario and soil conditions to ensure good erosion resistance and stability.

Geocloth: Incorporate geocloth to further reduce water velocity and capture suspended sediment. Geofabrics can be placed inside or outside Gabion baskets to enhance soil retention and prevent erosion.

Structural stability: Gabion baskets should be designed with structural stability and strength in mind to ensure they can withstand the effects of water flow and soil pressure. Proper reinforcements, such as anchoring and connection systems, can increase the overall stability of the Gabion basket.

Durability and maintainability: Choose high-quality metal mesh materials, such as galvanized steel wire mesh, to provide durability and corrosion resistance. In addition, the condition of the Gabion basket is regularly inspected and maintained, and any damaged or broken parts are promptly repaired to ensure its long-term effectiveness.


This excellent Gabion basket solution will provide a reliable solution for soil protection and river management. By reducing water velocity and trapping sediment, it helps maintain the stability of river beds and streams and reduces the risk of soil erosion. At the same time, it can also provide beautiful landscape effects and integrate with the natural environment.